- In order to reduce bank’s cost for Guarding Services with higher rates and risk factor that major theft cases reported in night time, we offered Guardless security arrangement in Night time to Financial sectors to protect their assets, facilities and ultimately eliminate human factor as most of the theft reported in night time is normally in connivance with on duty staff.
- We offered integrated security solution i.e. combination of 2 x Security Guard at day time and guard less security at night by using state of the art Burglary Alarm System covering entry/exit areas and enhanced by Patrolling Services on ground.
Advantages of Guard Less Security at night
- Detection of any intrusion/fire, prompt response by SMS ESS Control Room and immediate response, intimation to authorized representative of the bank / concerned law enforcement agencies.
- Protection from involvement of human factor against theft & robberies.
- Bank would save cost in terms of electricity & other facilitation used by the guard during night time.